Tuesday 22 January 2013

Any nou...noves oportunitats!!

It's been ages since I sat down to write something on my blog....and from what I can see it's been even longer since I wrote in English, so I might as well start this way.

 This 2013 starts full of activities and opportunities!!. At school I just became an official member of AMPA ( mum and dad's association) with all the worries and obligations that involves. Not sure how it will work out, but hoping for the best!!

 Will probably start giving some English lessons to a few mum friends...hope that also goes well!

 Still working on my biscuits and cookies....checking all kinds of webs and blogs for ideas and inspirations...although what I really need is time to work on certain ideas!!

 Anyway, will try this week to write about a few things on the blog, including calçotadas ( I would like to give you some ideas, specially if you are coming to Tarragona province, where the tradition was born) and why Spanish companies (not all of course) still have things to learn from international companies, and their way of treating workers.

Si us heu cansat de l'anglés, cosa que espero que no, només comentar que estic preparant un petit escrit sobre alguns dels aspectes que l'empresa americana del meu marit (amb seu a Barcelona i Madrid) ofereix als treballadors per facilitar la conciliació feina-familia. I en general, facilitats a tots els treballadors..si, perque negar-ho, en part es enveja el que sento cada cop que m'informa de la calçotada anual de l'empresa, o del sopar de nadal, o del dia de festa per celebrar l'aniversari de quan va començar a l'empresa, o de la formació/cursos que pot fer a l'empresa, tot aixó sense comptar amb els detalls que han tingut cap a nosaltres com a familia, el dia del pare noel a l'empresa, que va portar un regal per l'Aleks i el Pau, o el regal que ens van enviar a casa quan va nèixer el Pau. Ah! I no parlo de les facilitats que li donen al papa si hem d'anar al metge, o algú es posa malalt...cosetes,detalls que fan la vida més fàcil, i et fan valorar la teva empresa.

 Ja us explicaré!!

1 comment:

  1. I like your nice new colour scheme! Good luck with all the new activities! Will be interested to hear how everything goes.
    Keep up the good work.........
    Hugs x
